

作为一个追求经济活力和市民活力的城市, Jacksonville has for the last decade put public education at the top of its agenda, knowing that helping all children meet their potential will make the city stronger. 一年多了, our community has been discussing a half-penny sales tax to repair and replace our aging school buildings. 杜瓦尔县拥有佛罗里达州最古老的学校建筑, 30%的人状况很差或非常差.1 

今天, one of the most pressing issues that our education system faces has been years in the making, 但需要我们的关注和行动. 是佛罗里达最古老的城市之一, Jacksonville is at a crossroads when it comes to public school buildings where our children learn. Duval County Public Schools (DCPS) has been unable to build a new school since 2010, and almost 500 portables are spread throughout the district to manage school crowding.2  Only the most urgent facility problems, such as safety and air conditioning systems, can be fixed.3  The result is a maintenance backlog that is expected to reach $1 billion by 2025.4 

维修积压增加, 然而, 只是隐藏在表面之下的更大问题的征兆吗, 但成本要高得多. Many of the problems our school buildings face are not readily apparent on the surface. 而诸如油漆脱落之类的问题, 有缺陷的浴室或下垂的天花板很容易看到, many schools also face deeper facility issues that are not so readily apparent to the naked eye. 

除了美学, research has shown that facility conditions impact student education environment and achievement, 教师绩效与满意度, 以及社会和社区环境. 下面的研究摘要将讨论这些领域, as well as address the funding crisis surrounding school buildings and how you can help. 



作为一个追求经济活力和市民活力的城市, Jacksonville has for the last decade put public education at the top of its agenda, knowing that helping all children meet their potential will make the city stronger. 一年多了, our community has been discussing a half-penny sales tax to repair and replace our aging school buildings. 杜瓦尔县拥有佛罗里达州最古老的学校建筑, 30%的人状况很差或非常差.


教育环境 & 学生的成绩

Public school buildings represent the second largest sector of public infrastructure spending in the United States after roads, and approximately 1 in 6 American children or adults spend every weekday in these often poorly maintained buildings.5  

在2014年的一封信中,美国民权办公室(Office for Civil Rights)表示.S. 教育部 stated that students are better able to learn and remain engaged with instruction in classrooms that are “well-lit, 清洁, 宽敞的, 并根据需要加热和空调.这些好处不仅延伸到学生身上, but teachers are also better able to do their jobs in this type of school facility. 相反,美国.S. 教育部 has stated that when classrooms are too hot or cold, 过度拥挤的, 灰尘多或通风不良, 学生和老师都吃亏.6 

研究ers at the Harvard School of Public Health concluded that evidence was unambiguous that school buildings influence student health, 思考与表现.7  A growing body of peer-reviewed research finds a relationship between the quality of a school facility and student achievement.8  具体地说, 较差的结构之间存在显著的相关性, 有条件的, and aesthetic attributes of school buildings and low student learning and achievement. Positive trends have been observed in several school districts across the United States, 包括休斯顿, 德州; Los Angeles, California; and New Haven Connecticut, 和集体, these studies conclude that student achievement improves when students are moved out of 过度拥挤的 and degraded school facilities and into new, 重建或翻新学校.9   

Substandard physical learning environments are strongly associated with truancy and other behavioral problems in students. 进一步, lower student attendance leads to lower performance on achievement tests.10  One study reported that student achievement scores tend to decrease as the school building ages - to as high as 9%, 取决于维护因素.11  Another study of the Los Angeles Unified School District showed that a school’s compliance with health and safety standards could lead, 平均, 加州绩效指数得分提高了36分.12 

Quality school buildings have been found to contribute to student achievement in several ways:


  • 提供直接影响学习的光线、音响和空气质量; 

  • Offer inviting spaces that enhance student self-belief and desire to be in school; 

  • Provide technology that optimizes instruction and prepares students for today’s workplace; 

  • Communicate to children that the community values education; and

  • Provide reassurance to students that they are safe and secure in their learning environment.13  


研究 has found that schools having classrooms with less external noise are positively associated with greater student engagement and achievement compared to schools with classrooms that have noisier environments. Excessively noisy classrooms cause dissatisfaction and stress for both students and teachers, 影响他们的执行能力.14  Air quality and lighting are other major considerations that impact student achievement. 空气质量差可归因于旷工人数增加, 尤其是对患有哮喘的学生.15  进一步, 人工照明, 目前在许多学校, 对学生有负面影响,而自然光有正面影响吗. 研究发现,自然光可以提高学生和老师的士气, 减少非任务行为, 提高考试成绩.16  类似的, temperature can have an impact on engagement levels and overall productivity, 包括学生成绩.17  

过度拥挤的教室也会影响学生的参与度, 导致学习水平下降, 以及攻击性水平的提高.18  Classrooms with ample space have been found more conducive to providing an appropriate learning environment. Classroom space is of particular importance to modern education and preparing students for work in teams, 解决问题和有效沟通.19  私人学习空间, as well as smaller learning centers reduce visual and auditory distractions, 与学生的发展和成就呈正相关.20  

最后, if students are going to be exposed to the technology and skills required in the twenty-first century workforce, old school buildings must be updated to handle technology related-infrastructure. 这包括教师在课堂上使用技术, 高速互联网接入, 对学生和教师进行基本技术技能培训.21  

老师表演 & 满意度

除了对学生的成绩有影响, 学校设施也会影响教师的表现和满意度. A survey of teachers in Chicago and District of Columbia public schools found that when teachers considered their school to be in poor physical condition, they were far more likely to report they planned to leave their school or the teaching profession altogether, when compared to teachers in facilities they considered in good or excellent condition.22  和学生类似, teachers benefit from 清洁 air and natural light -  improved ventilation and indoor air quality have been observed to increase teachers’ self-reported job satisfaction.23  

恶劣的学校条件也会阻碍教师的工作. 例如, teachers attempting to deliver a twenty-first century education need access to scientific equipment and technology resources. Aging school buildings that have not been updated or recently built often lack the ability to support these resources.24  

社会 & 社区的影响

研究ers and education practitioners are recognizing the importance of school climate and positive social culture as necessary components to student achievement. 精心策划的, 设计和维护的设施促进健康, 儿童和在其中工作的成年人的福祉和表现. In part this is related to the motivation to attend received from a 清洁 and organized facility.25  Absenteeism is further reduced when students and teachers are able to maintain their health, 当暴露在霉菌中时,哪个会很困难, 通风不良, 不舒服的温度, 照明不足, 旧校舍过于拥挤和噪音过大.26   As previously mentioned, attendance is a requisite for academic achievement. 

超越气候和文化, 清洁 and well-maintained school facilities communicate a message of the community’s responsibility and respect to students. 设施差异, 哪一种在低收入社区更常见, send disadvantaged students and their families a visible and unmistakable message that their education is less important than their more affluent peers.27 

除了为学校社区服务, school buildings often provide emergency shelter during natural disasters. According to FEMA, older and less well-maintained buildings are more vulnerable to natural disasters. 这可能会导致学生经历更多的不良影响, 例如流离失所和学校长期关闭. 联邦应急管理局也认识到在大多数情况下, school administrators do not have the needed financial resources to address building vulnerabilities even though they have a moral (and usually legal) responsibility to make schools resilient to disaster.28 


Capital funding for school buildings and infrastructure remains the most regressive element of public education finance. 2016年的一项研究发现,平均而言, local school districts are responsible for funding 82% of their capital budget, 其中包括新建学校和翻新现有设施. 相比之下,45%的责任由运营预算承担, 给老师发工资, 员工和管理人员, 并购买材料和浓缩.29  因为当地学区承担了大部分的设施成本, poor and low-wealth districts are frequently unable to adequately maintain their buildings and grounds - much less modernize them.因此, it is unsurprising that districts and zip codes with larger proportions of low-income students are more likely to have buildings in poor condition.30   

To understand the current state of our schools, we have to look to history. In the United States, the average school building was constructed around 1968.31  Duval County is no different - our inadequate school buildings date back to the era of segregation, 当分离不等于平等. A facilities study conducted by DCPS has shown that the schools with the greatest deterioration are in high-poverty areas in Northwest Jacksonville.

Recent studies in 德州 and California found that school districts with lower property values raised significantly less facility funding from local and state sources, 与高房价地区相比.32  Differences in funding often mean that students from affluent districts or neighborhoods attend school in bright, 舒适健康的设施, 而贫困学生就读于破旧的学校, 过时和不健康的学校. Funding inequity is further exacerbated in poorer districts because they end up making expensive emergency and short-term repairs out of their operating budgets or already stretched capital budgets - just to keep school doors open.33  Duval County recently estimated $500,000 per month is spent on these Band-Aid type repairs.   


Jacksonville cannot move forward toward our goals as a community unless we address the needs of our public school buildings. To learn more about the Duval County Public Schools’ facilities plan and how it will impact your neighborhood,请访问 Ourduvalschools.org. For additional research and to learn how you can help support the effort for a 公立学校半便士,请访问 JPEF的宣传中心


1杜瓦尔县公立学校. (2019). 看看我们学校面临的问题. 检索自2020年6月3日,http://www.ourduvalschools.org/see-the-problem



4所杜瓦尔县公立学校. (2019). 见计划. 检索自2020年6月3日,http://www.ourduvalschools.org/see-the-plans

菲拉尔多,M.文森特·J.苏利文,K。.斯塔尔,J.Fusarelli, L.罗斯,E. (2019年5月2日). 破败的学校设施如何使不平等永久化. 检索自2020年6月1日,http://kappanonline.org/how-crumbling-school-facilities-perpetuate-inequality-filardo-vincent-sullivan/

6 .爱尔兰,E.L .克林根史密斯.麦克诺顿,P.劳伦特.C.斯宾格勒,J.伯恩斯坦,A., & 艾伦,我.G. (2017). Schools for health: Foundations for student success: How school buildings influence student health, 思考与表现. 马萨诸塞州剑桥:哈佛T.H. 陈公共卫生学院.


8 Filardo等.

9 Filardo等.

加州教育部. (2010). 学校设施促进学习. Retrieved July 2015, from California 教育部: http://www.cde.ca.gov / ls / fa / re /文件/ learnercenter.pdf

11 M .普兰蒂., & 德芙,J. (2005年10月). Examination of the Condition of School Facilities Attended by 10th Grade Students in 2002. Retrieved July 2015, from National Center for Education Statistics: http://nces.ed.gov / pubs2006/2006302.pdf

12 California 教育部, 学校设施促进学习.

13所杜瓦尔县公立学校. (2019). 改善的学校建筑如何促进学生的成绩? 检索2020年. http://www.ourduvalschools.org/post/how-do-improved-school-buildings-contribute-to-student-achievement

14宾夕法尼亚州立大学评估与教育政策分析中心. 学校设施对提高学生成绩的重要性. (2015年6月7日). 检索自2020年6月3日,http://sites.事业单位.edu/ceepa/2015/06/07/the-importance-of-school-facilities-in-improving-student-outcomes/








22 Buckley, J.施耐德,M., & 商,Y. (2004a). The effects of school facility quality on teacher retention in urban school districts. 华盛顿特区:国家教育设施信息交换中心.

23 Batterman, S.,苏,F.C.选A.沃特金斯,F.C .古德温., & 图恩湖,G. (2017). 在最近建造的美国.S. 学校的教室. 室内空气,27 (5),880-890.

24 U.S. 教育部,民权办公室. (2014). 致同事的信:资源可比性. 华盛顿特区:作家.

布里克,A.S. & 施耐德,B. (2002). 信任学校:改善的核心资源. 纽约,纽约:拉塞尔·塞奇基金会.; and Thapa, A.科恩,J.格菲,S., & Higgins-D 'Allessandro,. (2013). 学校气候研究综述. 教育研究,2003 (3),357-385.; and Maxwell, L.E. & 因为他的. (2012). The role of objective and perceived school building quality in student academic outcomes and self-perception. 儿童、青年与环境,22 (1),23-51.

26 . C. & Tschannen-Moran, M. (2008). The walls speak: The interplay of quality facilities, school climate, and student achievement. Journal of Educational Administration, 46 (1), 55-73 ; and Fisk, W.J.保尔森,J。.A.科尔比,L.J., & 巴内特,C.L. (2016). 学校物理环境的意义:述评. 学校卫生杂志,86 (7),483-487.

27 M .普兰蒂., & 德芙,J. (2005年10月). Examination of the Condition of School Facilities Attended by 10th Grade Students in 2002. Retrieved July 2015, from National Center for Education Statistics: http://nces.ed.gov / pubs2006/2006302.pdf

28联邦紧急事务管理局. (2017). Safer, stronger, smarter: A guide to improving school natural hazard safety. 华盛顿特区:作家.

29菲拉尔多,M. (2016). 我们的学校状况:2016年美国K-12设施. 华盛顿特区:21世纪学校基金和绿色学校中心.; and National Center for Education Statistics. (n.d.). 快速事实:回到学校统计数据. 华盛顿特区:美国.S. 教育部. http://nces.ed.gov / fastfacts /显示.asp?id=372

亚历山大,D. & 路易斯,我. (2014). 美国公立学校设施状况:2012-13 (NCES 2014-022). 华盛顿特区:美国.S. 教育部,国家教育统计中心.; and Filardo, M.W.文森特·J.M.宋,P., & Stein T. (2006). 增长与差距:美国经济的十年.S. 公立学校建设. 华盛顿特区:共同建设教育成功.

31亚历山大,D. & 路易斯,我.美国公立学校设施状况.

32 Rivera, M.D. & 洛佩兹,年代.R. (2019). Some pennies are more equal than others: Inequitable school facilities investment in San Antonio, 德州. 教育政策分析档案,27 (16).; and Brunner, E.J. & 文森特,我.M. (2018). 加州学校设施融资:十年展望. 进入事实II研究报告. 加州帕洛阿尔托:加州教育政策分析 & 斯坦福大学.

33文森特,J。.M. & 耆那教的,我.S. (2015). Going it alone: Can California’s K-12 school districts adequately and equitably fund school facilities? 加州伯克利:城市中心 & 学校:加州大学.

34布洛赫,E. (2019年6月22日). 维护问题困扰着杜瓦尔的学校. 检索自2020年6月3日,http://www.杰克逊维尔.com/news/20190622/maintenance-woes-plague-duval-schools




of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.